Springs Newsletter 2017 (6)

Title: *|FNAME|*, Regain Your Focus!

Dear *|FNAME|*,

The Lord will lift your burden and lighten your load. As you continue to look up to Him, help will come to you. No shadow of shame will darken your face! (Psalm 34:5).

*|FNAME|*, irrespective of the challenges you’re going through in your Christian life; your ability to set your mind is your key to living victoriously (Colossians 3:1-4). Setting your mind refers to your focus, attitude and mentality. If you focus too much on your problems, you will not pay attention to the solutions that God has provided for you through His Word and Spirit. Many times, God’s solutions are so simple that the smart mind will consider them stupid. Remember the story of Naaman! (2 Kings 5).

It takes simple faith and obedience to walk with God. A wrong attitude or mentality towards God (the things of God, the church of God, the man of God) will rob you of many blessings. Are you using your time, money, skills and abilities to love and serve God? Are you giving to the Lord a minimum of 10% of your income on a regular basis (Malachi 3:8-12)? You really have to humble yourself in order to receive all that God has in store for you (James 4:10). Beware of an attitude of pride, independence and dishonour!

*|FNAME|*, Luke 4:5-8 shows us that the things of this world are very much within Satan’s domain. Whenever you operate in the realm of the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and feeling), it is very easy for Satan to manipulate you. However, whenever you rise up to your seated position in Christ, and operate by faith in the realm of the Word, you are guaranteed to defeat Satan. So, what am I to do with my presenting circumstances? You simply refuse to affirm them or give them undue attention (2 Corinthians 4:18).

Instead, you are to set your mind on the realities of Heaven (the realities of God’s Word). You lay hold on God’s promises by faith and you keep confessing the Word about your situation until you get the desired results (Mark 11:22-24). Setting your mind is a choice you make daily. You either choose to look at (focus on and talk about) what God has said (you have God’s Word on it!) or you choose to look at (focus on and talk about) the facts perceived by your senses. It all depends on you. So, what are you looking at?

*|FNAME|*, never forget that you are a child of God and God is your Father. You have died to self (by faith) and you now live (by faith) in the Son (Galatians 2:20). Your new mentality is now that of a Saint who seeks to please the Spirit rather than pleasing the flesh.

You can click the link below to listen to my recent sermon on ‘Set Your Mind’:

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Wishing you a victorious Christian life as you regain your focus and set your mind on the realities of Heaven.

Love and Blessings,
Ben Awoseyila