Posts tagged with ‘Confession’

110 of 14 items

Obey the Rhema

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2023-11 (3) Ephesians 6:16-18, Hebrews 4:12-13, 1 Cor. 2:9-12 What is the difference between the operations of the Shield and the Sword? What is the difference between the Logos and the Rhema? What is the relationship between the Logos and the Rhema of God? What is my spiritual shield? What is my spiritual Sword? How […]

10 Keys to Spiritual Breakthrough

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-11 (2) Psalm 91:1-16Psalm 27:1-14Psalm 46:1-11 What is the secret place of the Most High, according to Psalm 91:1? In order to abide under the shadow of the Almighty (i.e. victorious living), you have to dwell in the secret place the Most High! How can I dwell in the secret place of the […]

Fight the Good Fight

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-11 (1) 1 Timothy 6:11-12Ephesians 6:16-181 Peter 5:8-9James 4:7-10 How can I overcome in life? What is faith? What is the major hindrance to my faith working?  What does it mean for me to ‘lay hold’, according to 1 Timothy 6:12? Name 5 things I must refuse in order to overcome in life? […]

Victory Over Sin

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-09 (1) Romans 6:1-23 What is sin? What is righteousness? How can I become righteous? What is the source of sin in a true believer? How can I live in continuous victory over sin? 2022: A Year of Fruitfulness To find out more, listen to the audio sermon.

Receive Your Healing

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-08 (1) Matthew 8:14-17Isaiah 53:1-6Romans 10:8-10 Why does healing belong to me? Because Jesus has already paid the price! Jesus bore your sickness and carried your diseases on the cross Jesus Himself took your infirmities and bore your sicknesses The punishment for your peace and well-being was laid upon Jesus By the stripes […]

How To Calm That Storm

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2022-01 (2)  Mark 4:35-38Mark 4:39-41Mark 5:1-20 “I’m on a mission of God’s glory and Jesus is in my boat.No matter what storms life may throw, I refuse to fear or panic.I will get to destination, for Jesus is able to calm every storm.No matter the situation, I use my faith and victory will […]

Present and Represent

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-04 (1) Romans 12:1-21 Corinthians 6:9-111 Corinthians 6:19-20 Why is my body the temple of the Holy Spirit? Ownership – your body is not yours. It belongs to God and should be used for His glory. The Spirit of the Most High lives within your body. Functioning – you are a member of the body of Christ and Christ […]

The Power of Patience

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2021-03 (4) James 1:2-4Hebrews 6:10-15Hebrews 10:35-39 What should be my attitude towards adversity (tests and trials)? Faith and Patience! Faith and Patience = Meekness, Matthew 5:5, Hebrews 6:12 Meekness is staying power: the ability to persevere in faith Meekness is the ability to inherit the promises of God! Your faith needs to be accompanied by patience […]

Healing by the Word

by Healing Springs

Springs Articles 2021-01 (1) Proverbs 4:20-27Isaiah 53:1-6Romans 10:8-10 What is healing? Restoration into a state of proper functioning and well-being This includes both physical and mental/emotional healing 3 John 1:2, Proverbs 4:22 Where does sickness and disease come from? The fall of Adam and Eve (a broken world full of spiritual darkness) Sin (wrong-doing, carelessness, disobedience […]

The God-kind of Faith 3

by Healing Springs

Springs Article 2020-09 (1) Mark 11:12-14Mark 11:20-23Romans 10:8-10 What is the difference between faith and hope? Hope is desire and optimism. It has no basis for certainty Faith is assurance and conviction. It is based on evidence Faith that is based on zero evidence is called blind faith which is also the same as empty hope or […]