Springs Newsletter 2017 (2)

Title: *|FNAME|*, Present Your Body

Dear *|FNAME|*,

The Lord is your maker. Irrespective of your situation, His thoughts towards you are precious thoughts of peace and not evil. His plan is to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

Have you ever wondered about the spiritual value of your body? Your body is important because you need it to function on the earth. Your spirit cannot remain on the earth without a body. Furthermore, the state of your body determines how well you can function spiritually. God had you in mind when you were being formed in secret. Irrespective of the circumstances, He permitted your being for a purpose and gave you the gift of life. Your body is an awesome masterpiece and the way your body works is amazing. God does not make fake products; He made you an original. You are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

*|FNAME|*, learn to appreciate and celebrate the physical qualities that God gave you. Appreciate and celebrate your hair, skin and body. Be thankful and use your body to honour the Lord. Say to yourself often: ‘I am not inferior. The hair God gave me is not inferior. The skin God gave me is not inferior. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

What does it mean to say that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit? A temple is a holy place of worship. This means that the real purpose of your body is to be an instrument of worship unto God. Your body is to be used for loving and serving God in all you do. If you have made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you are no longer your own. You have died to self and your real life is now hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). You have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus, you now belong wholly to Him, and you must live to honour and glorify God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

*|FNAME|*, how can you glorify God in your body? Romans 12:1 gives the perfect answer! You are to present your body as a living sacrifice that is holy and well-pleasing unto God. The Bible says that this is your rational act of true worship! Presenting your body means that you use your energy and skills to actively love and serve God. Presenting your body also means that you are to run away from sexual immorality in any form – whether thought or behaviour, whether visual or written (1 Corinthians 6:18).

If you are (or have been) caught up in misusing your body for selfish reasons, you have to take time to repent of this immediately. Forsake your sin, cut off the things that influence you negatively, and rededicate yourself to loving and serving God (1 John 1:7). This is the pathway to deliverance, breakthrough and fruitfulness!

You can click the link below to listen to my recent sermon on ‘Present Your Body’: https://www.healingspringschurch.org/multimedia-archive/present-your-body/

You can click the link below to find out how to give to our ministry: https://www.healingspringschurch.org/giving/how-to-give/

Wishing you a life of consecration and fruitfulness as you continually honour God with your body.

Love and Blessings,
Ben Awoseyila